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Writer's picturejosaiah pocaigue

Final Artist Statement #4

My Web-Adventure is designed to feature a simple mission set with three intended goals, and several connected, or independent, endings. The Courier(User) is tasked with finding and delivering either a Legendary Power-Up, Mushroom, or the Elytra Wings to fight the main villains, Kraker and Bat-Buster to save Hyrule and to save the Hero from falling in battle.

Many endings will end with the Courier fighting the Final Boss themselves prematurely, and losing, each time with the ending being mauled apart by Kraker's minions. (Click the bottom half of the photoshop image in Kraker's ending on the Web-Adventure). Most endings can resolve to Kraker's ending with a hidden link present for the opportunity to save oneself- a 'do-over' without actually restarted the story(Meet Ghost and Daisy).

There are also more complex and lore heavy endings where you discover the Power-Up orb, prompting you with the opportunity to restart as the background villain, Eren The Naked Man, who's the provider or Kraker's minions. You can alternatively take another ending with the Orb, in which you can venture back as the Last Guardian, in which even as the Courier, you are the Hero. This is why, despite being the Courier from the beginning, every ending is a result of the User somehow fighting the boss with the relics or on the way to discovering the relics. Regardless of either ending, the intention is to send the User back as Courier with an underlying role, so they continue exploring hidden links, messages, and jokes.

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