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Writer's picturejosaiah pocaigue

Brainstorm Blog #1

Zine Planning & Inspiration

I intend to design this Zine Project as a emphasis on the nation of Japan, immediately Post-World War II. the design will begin its journey from the typical American Patriot perspective of incoherent, inhumane animals, which will antagonize the Japanese soldier. The Zine would then transition slowly into its first glace at the repercussions and effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings- both political and environmental.

To show the country in a crippling and vulnerable position, I seek to later evoke both sympathy and excitement or adoration as I move further into Japan's recovery and development. As Japan approaches the present-day, the panels would proceed to present the Japanese more pleasantly to emulate the expeditious healing process throughout the years. A very rushed, short timeline within the presentation to underline the arguably brief disrupt the bombings had caused in the wake of destruction. As though to say those nuclear warheads were synonymous to- tripping and falling, but immediately tying one's shoes and getting back up to hit the ground running.

The transition is meant to outline the tragedy that came about as result of terrible public opinion and blatant disregard for human life. I however don't intend to focus solely on the losses, but the incredibly fast recovery the nation, that quickly re-industrializes, and develops into a nation of dense innovation and entertainment.

Notably, it would be rude to excitedly point out the achievements of the nation after a brief nod to the lives lost in the war, and in the efforts to rebuild. But despite the toils of war and strife, it would be even more disrespectful, to not marvel at the rapid path to innovation and entertainment.

For Japan, let alone any nation, to begin prioritizing and developing entertainment, is a testament proclaiming that the country's needs have been met, and now were are working toward the more menial aspects of life to further improve the quality of life. It's far cry from single families working several jobs to barely put a plate a food in front of their child or sibling for the day.

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