For the animation project, I decided to go with a transition to different art styles of animation, ranging from various regions and mediums such as early 2000's western cartoons, to anime art-styles such as Pokémon, Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, etcetera etcetera. The goal is to begin a mundane video with a minor inconvenience to the main character(me). This inconvenience will cause actor to react dramatically and thus begin the rapid transition to different phases as an emphasis to the absurdity. For example, a fly hits my face, and I begin slamming from wall to wall, attempting to swat it by hand. I want the audio portion to be compiled with action impact sound effects to compound with video effects that will make all of the actor's movements seem extreme or otherwise intense.
The intention is to deviate from a psychosis where the video transitions due to someone eating bad food, or smoking very strong weed. My idea will be more similar to artists from different shows animating characters from a different show that they don't typically work on, debuting iconic characters in completely different art styles. The ending transition will likely be a calming of the absurd journey between shows, resulting in the main character winding backwards from all the previous art styles to real-life, where the actor then sits back down. The camera will cut to focus on just the eyes, where another minor inconvenience occurs, and the short film ends, rolling the credits after the cut.\